Fees & Referrals

In person and telehealth appointments are available. You can pay privately for sessions without a referral, or use a referral to receive a rebate from Medicare, or your private health insurer. I also welcome NDIS clients who are self-managed or plan managed.

Ages 16+ and adults

Full fee standard 50 minute session is $250 (see below for information about possible rebate options to reduce your out of pocket costs)

Concession card holder 50 minute session is $210


For ease, we use an online payment system, with credit card details to be provided on your first booking. Credit card details are securely encrypted and stored in our practice management software. Payment is to be made in full on the day of your appointment, with an invoice being emailed to you following the appointment session. Third party payers can be invoiced for billing, and any gap payments are due on the day using our online payment system.


If you are not able to attend your appointment and need to cancel or reschedule, please give us 48 to 24 hours notice so that we can offer that time to another client. 

Cancellations received within 48-24 hours will incur a 50% cancellation fee ($125). 

If you cancel or reschedule in less than 24 hours, the full consultation fee of $250 will apply. Please note that cancellation fees are not eligible for rebates.

  • Private Client without a referral

    50 min session

    Full fee $250, OR Concession Card $210

    Go to Contact page or Request an Appointment

  • Mental Health Treatment Plan

    50 min session in person or video telehealth

    Out of pocket cost: $108.15, OR $68.15 per session with a valid concession card

    With a MHTP, you can access 10 Medicare rebated sessions per calendar year. The session cost is $250, and you will receive a rebate of $141.85 deposited into your account around 2 days after the session. Your GP can assess your eligibility for a MHTP and provide a referral for an initial 6 sessions. After this you need to see your GP again for a new referral to access the remaining 4 sessions.

  • Private Heath Rebates

    50 min session in person or video telehealth

    Rebate depends on your cover. Full session cost is $250/ $210 concession (50 mins)

    Your private health insurance Extras cover likely covers some of the cost of your sessions. They vary widely, so check with your provider about how much they rebate per session, and the capped amount for the year. Clients claim their own rebates via their provider after full payment for the session has been made

  • NDIS, Workcover, TAC, Child Protection Health Program Victora

    50 min session in person or video telehealth

    Gap fees may apply

    Please advise of these referrals when booking your first appointment. I can assist self-managed or plan-managed clients, but unfortunately not NDIA managed clients.

    Child Protection Victoria employees can receive 6-10 fully funded sessions per year

  • Personality Assessments & Workplace Psychological Evaluations

    Discuss your needs with Dr Emily as these are individually tailored to the individual or organisation.

    Go to Contact page to request further information

Let us know how we can help